
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The knot in my back.

I am just slightly confused right now. This entire week I have not had much to do. No big tests or group projects. No meetings. I had so much free time that yesterday I cooked! Okay well... I made a salad for dinner. BUT do you know how much effort it takes in college to make a salad? Okay not that much, but still. I had time to make food. Mind blown.

Usually each hour of my day is strategically planned out down to a solid 2 minute bathroom break. Okay I'm being dramatic (are you surprised?), but for real my days have become a mass collection of places I need to be or things I should be doing. Don't get me wrong. I absolutely LOVE the things I'm involved in at Auburn. It's what keeps me proactive and it also allows me to appreciate the days I get an hour to watch Grey's Anatomy on Netflix.

But it's weird not having anything to be doing and I found myself feeling guilty for not being busy. How messed up is that? It's like the constant stress of having somewhere to be is keeping me sustained and that my friends is what is wrong with our society...or maybe just me.

We have got to stop the glorification of busy. 

Yes, life is busy. I get that. And oddly enough I really do love how busy my days are. They are full of some freaking cool people I get to surround myself with and organizations I feel blessed to simply be a part of. These things are good. These things are the Lord's small yet incredible blessings he puts in my life.

It's when the idea of being busy becomes our idol and constant focus that we are in sin.

These things become a problem when we begin to glorify them and not the Lord. When we become so obsessed with the next hour of today, instead of becoming obsessed with the one who gave us today. I have found myself glorifying the idea of being busy all the time. Blahhh. 

But wow I am so glad for days like today. Days where I can breathe. Days that I don't have a knot in my back from being stressed out. I forgot how wonderful it is to not be busy. Glorifying the idea of being busy is such an easy trap to get caught in. Trust me...I'm in college too. I get it. But how sad would it be if we looked back at our lives and only remembered the stress of life and brushed over the quiet, simple moments that God places in front of us?

The moment we stop putting the Lord first over our busy little lives is the moment it all stops mattering. None of the awesome things you may be doing is relevant if God isn't the one being glorified throughout it all.

Wouldn't it be nice if we would all just slow down and breathe? Maybe if we glorify HIM instead of the constant focus on being busy our lives would look different.

So stop going and doing and stressing constantly. Stop dwelling on what your GPA is going to be or the four different meetings you have on Friday. Stop making the phrase "I'm just so busy" a part of your everyday vocabulary. Stop idolizing the blessings God gives us and focus on HIM.

Acknowledge the fact that it's OKAY to be happy with a calm day and thank the Lord for the days where the knot in your back is gone.

"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they are busy doing things they THINK are important. This is because they are chasing the wrong things." -Morrie Schwartz

"Half an hour's meditation with Jesus is essential, except when you are busy. Then a full hour is needed." - Saint Francis de Sales

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