
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Half the Battle.

Usually waking up at 9:45 a.m. would be a treat, but when you're on Christmas vacation waking up at 9:45 a.m. feels like 6 a.m. But let me just say that when Jackie Basik tells you to be awake and ready to go to the gym at 9 a.m., you wake up at 9 a.m. dagumit. She's scary when she's mad...

Needless to say today we woke up and headed to Lifetime Fitness to attend a lovely cardio fitness class. Personally, I don't love classes. I feel pressure to keep up and to hold the lunge position for just a little bit longer then the lady next to me so that I feel like America's Next Top Model.

So that's exactly what I will do. I'll hold that lunge positon until I realize as I'm in the lunge position that I can't feel my legs anymore and proceed to make that "AUUUAHHHHHH GAH" sound while trying to stand up. Then quickly soft smile to the instructor so she knows I'm not going to pass out.

I always secretly hope the instructor isn't going to show up, but let me tell you something....she is ALWAYS there. It's the worst.

I also figured out today as I was in the middle of struggling through my tricep dips that I never regret doing these classes. I get a way better work out doing these classes because I have an instructor to listen to. I realized that I want the results without actually going to the classes.

I want to be more fit without going to the gym. I want to look like Taylor Swift simply by sitting on the couch watching One Tree Hill. After years of trying that method, I have come to the sad realization that that method ain't gonna fly.

Similar to my quiet times, I have realized that showing up is half the battle.

Once I'm at the gym I walk straight to the room and begin the death class, I mean cardio class and within an hour I'm done. I'm in better shape at the end of each workout and I feel closer to my goal. I listen to what the instructor tells me to do, do it, and that is when I begin to feel my body change.

So often I pray that I will grow closer to the Lord and get to know him on a personal level. Then, I proceed with my week and choose to ignore my alarm clock that wakes me up for my quiet time so that I can sleep 30 minutes longer. It's the same thing as working out, I want the results without putting the time in.

I am never going to know Jesus better if I am not pursuing a relationship with him daily. Similar to a workout instructor, Jesus is never not there. Often times we don't show up, but don't think for a second Jesus isn't wishing that you would.

In the same way I won't get fit if I don't go to the gym, we will never strengthen our relationship with Jesus if we don't purpose to make time for him.

After I spend time in the word and actively pursue the Lord I NEVER regret it. I feel closer to my goal of knowing Him on a deeper level every time. Once I open my Bible and begin my conversation with Jesus as if he is sitting right next to me, the results come. The relationship deepens. Doors open and prayers are answered. I think the real issue is putting aside our own wants and desires in order to pursue Christ.

It may take effort to get there, but once you're there you never regret it. Showing up is simply half the battle.

"To have found God & still pursue Him is the souls paradox of love." -A.W. Tozer