
Friday, July 19, 2013

What's really in a name...? caught me. My last name is Basik. I know clever huh. Well, I will say having this last name does have some starting a Blog called "A Very Basik Life". I mean I thought it was kinda clever. Anyways, so I recently decided I really don't have a cool enough life to start a Blog. Then it hit me. It hit me hard as a rock. I mean it was almost like an actual rock was flying mid-air and just smacked me in the face..(enjoy that visual). No ones life is THAT interesting! Sure, some people live in New York City and write about a super cool French painting they watched be painted that day...but average bloggers don't I repeat don't have that cool of lives. So I guess that's why I started this. Because I thought "Well...why the heck not blog?". I'll see how this whole "blogging about my life" thing goes. Acutally...I guess WE will see how it goes because if you are reading this you are about to either watch me make a complete and utter fool of myself (which let's be honest...may be fun to re-read and laugh at) or watch me write wicked cool stuff. So for the time being, this is my way of hopefully adding a tiny bit of spice to the most ordinary and basic moments in life. Anyhoo, enjoy or go to the top left and hit that tiny red X button and no hard feelings. Oh and one last thing, Jesus Christ is easily the most important thing in my simple little life. So, If it's gonna bother you when I write about Him, than go ahead and just stop heard me. Stop reading, and like I said earlier, you can just tap that tiny red X and be on your way. But if you're still reading...well than by golly looks like God has a hold on you too friend.

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