
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Rise and Shine.

One day. All we had to do was make it through one more day of class without our phones going off. Pause. Let me explain. So I am in this huge class with about 200 students and our teacher is...let's just say strict. She's one of those teachers that gets up there the first day of class and gives the "rules", and by the time you are walking out of there you are wondering how many breaths you are allowed to take. Seriously...I don't think I blinked for a solid 2 minutes walking out of her first class. I try to avoid all eye contact with her...I think the girl next to me peed in her pants a little (Jokes...however there was a wet spot...). BUT! Then by the end of the year you are so thankful you had her as a teacher because as bloodcurdling as she may be, you actually know what the heck you are talking about when it comes to that subject.

So one of her rules from day 1 has been if ANY phone makes ANY noise in class at ANY time, the final exam is comprehensive. DUN DUN DUN. And I kid you not she is so serious about this. I live in so much fear that I turn my phone completely off. Mainly because most mornings Beyonce' is my alarm and as fun as it would be to hear "YOU PUT MY LOVE ON TOP BABY" in the middle of class, I would rather not be that girl.

This morning she started class and told us that if we made it through the entire class period today with no phones ringing we would be safe and the final wouldn't be comprehensive. So naturally I was dead asleep when I heard it...someones alarm went off. The amount gasps in the room was actually comical. Bless her heart. The sweet girl simply forgot to turn her phone on silent. I'm not kidding you if stares burned that girl would've been a pile of ashes. Long story short, the dictator of a teacher gave us a free pass. She wasn't mean. She wasn't rude. She simply kept teaching and at the end of class said, "You all have made it this far. The final is not comprehensive". I seriously considered rising from my chair, marching on the stage, and hugging that tiny lady as tightly as possible. Then I realized how weird that would be and I stayed seated.

As I was sitting there in awe, I couldn't help but think of how accurate a picture of God's grace this is. God knew this was gonna happen. It's not like it came as a shock to him. He wasn't chilling up in heaven like "HER PHONE WENT OFF?!!?!" No no. He planned this. He planned for that girl's phone to ring on the last day of class. But he also planned and planted a seed of grace in my professor's heart. She easily could've made it comprehensive. She's not taking the final. Why should she care?! But God used her to demonstrate his immense amount of grace he shows us to this huge lecture class of 200 students.

How cool right?! I mean the girl whose phone went off was merely a tool in God's bigger and much grander plan for this morning. It makes me wonder how many times throughout the day God shows me grace and I don't even notice it. I guess it took someones phone going off to literally wake me up and acknowledge the grace God shows me daily. So, in a weird way I am thankful for her phone going off. Not only did it keep me from drooling on the girl next to me, but it has now challenged me to keep my eyes peeled for any way God reveals himself to me throughout the day. Challenge accepted God, challenge accepted.

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