
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Inside Voice

Getting grounded is a funny thing. Anyone reading this that has been grounded is sitting there like...uh no, actually it's not. However, in my family it is. Reasons I have almost been grounded include the following: driving too fast and making everyone in the car feel sick, being crude at inappropriate times, and my personal favorite talking too loudly. Sounds odd huh. Well APPARENTLY I speak at a loud volume...if by loud you mean a soft, delicate whisper than I will agree. Ok ok, I guess it is kind of loud. The time I decided to accept this was when my dad almost grounded me for not "using my inside voice." For the record, I was in the kitchen which echos like a freaking 60 foot dome AND to be frank my mom sounds like she uses a mega phone, so naturally I had to be louder than her. So sue me.

Any hoo, I started to think about how at certain times I can be the loudest person in the room. Then, at other times I act like I forgot how to form a normal sentence. Most of the time it is when I am in a public setting and something about the Lord comes us. It's like I just don't know what to say. How embarrassing as a believer. I have no excuses whatsoever to not speak up. I'm not a shy person. I think anyone who knows me would agree with that statement. However, when an opportunity to do the right thing or share the gospel with someone presents itself... often I pass it up. 

It made me wonder why the HECK do I do this (or I guess not do this)?! I have nothing to lose. And same with you! If you are a believer, you have absolutely NOTHING to lose. One Sunday I was listening to David Platt speak and he said something to the effect of this: "If we are truly believers, if we truly love the Lord like we all proclaim, then why are we not sharing this life changing news with those who don't know it?! We should be telling everyone." He said it in a way that made me feel like it was just me and good ole David sitting in that sanctuary.

 It's selfish to NOT tell others about the good news. A little boldness never hurt nobody (I just wrote that in the tune to "A Little Party Never Hurt Nobody"... I am aware that was improper grammar). It could change where someone spends eternity. But no no no! We can't be late to work or take the extra 20 minutes to get coffee with someone who needs Jesus. This is ETERNITY PEOPLE! That means never ending. We need to put away all our crappy excuses explaining why we don't have time to be bold today. What if you are the vessel God wants to use to bring the same lady you see in the Starbucks line to Him, but you are "too tired" today. And I'm talking to myself too, trust me this is a daily struggle. Hash tag convicted.

So in this sense, don't use your "inside voice." Quit getting all shy and awkward when an opportunity knocks on your door. If you are a follower of Jesus part of our duty is to pass his love and faithfulness along. What good does it do to anyone if you know the truth and don't share it? Nada, zippo, zero, it does the world NO good. Use the loudest voice you have. I'm talking yell it at people! Chase them down and pull their hair until they accept it...ok maybe don't do that. But maybe just, maybe just WE could be the generation to change the world for Christ. So I pray we will not be afraid to be bold and to do the right thing in a world that is so full of the wrong things. 

"I wonder how many of us will look back over a lifetime of wasted opportunities and ineffective witness, and weep because we did not allow God to use us as He wanted. If ever we are are to study the Scriptures, if ever we are to spend time in prayer, if ever we are to win souls for Christ-it must be now."  -Billy Graham 

And hey, arn't you glad that the person who shared the gospel with you was bold and didn't take the easy way out?

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