
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Thanks Webster.

Webster's dictionary defines the word average as: A level that is typical for a group, class, or series. Stop. Stop now. I know what you are thinking. What a TERRIBLE way to start a blog post. I couldn't agree more. But really, I think I just put myself to sleep.

Average is how I feel like I am often described. "You're an average student." If I had a dollar for every time I was told that I think I could buy the freaking Eiffel Tower...or maybe just a lot of baguettes. I'm never the kid in class with the 99 on a test, but I'm usually not the one who gets a 30 on the test either (...that was only ONE time). I AM an average student. At first I hated that because in my mind average is usually forgotten and not important. But, that my friends is what my mama calls, "a lie from the pit of hell."

I think for me I begin to subconsciously think that God doesn't have time for the "average" people. I get stuck in my mind that God only focuses on the super smart super important people. You know...those people we all secretly hate who get 500 likes on their instagram (kidding). I start to think God will use only them because they are not what Webster defines "a typical group or class." What a bunch of lies. Every single person God creates has meaning and by NO means is forgotten by God. Whether you are failing school or doing fabulous, He has called YOU. He made YOU perfectly the way he wanted you. Quit questioning God.

He didn't just put people on this earth for kicks and giggles. He is going to use you and me, but the moment we start to doubt that is the moment we get overly focused on what the world says about us. It doesn't matter if the world defines you as average. Who gives a rat's butt...(thought about using another word...then thought eh better not.) I have this feeling God is going to be so frustrated if we waste all our time here focusing on what others think, as oppose to what He thinks.

Honestly, not one of us is "qualified" to be used by God. However, if you are a Christian, you are able. We gotta stop having a pity party and pull our big girl pants up. Start each day with this, "God I know it is only you who makes me able. Show me today how you can use me to further your kingdom." BOOM.

He calls the people who think they are not qualified. He WILL use you if you let him.

For now, I will wait each day to see where God wants to use me. How dare I begin to get frustrated that I am the way God made me. If the God that created every single aspect of the UNIVERSE wants me to be average then by all means, i'll rock the "average student" title. I don't deserve anything God gives me. The fact he gave me a brain to think with is a blessing. I am fully confident that God knows what He is doing up there. So honestly, I think i'll survive being called average.

"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me... For when I am weak, then I am strong."
         2 Corinthians 12:9-10

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful blog post, Brianna! I too was always told I was an average student….average anything! You my friend are definitely not just average…not that average is a bad thing! You are such a bright spot in so many lives and I can't wait to watch you become all that God has intended for you to be! Much love is sent your way!
